

高丛蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum)


高丛蓝莓是常见于沼泽地区和高海拔森林的多年生落叶灌木. 它有简单的椭圆形叶片,交替排列. 在夏天,叶子从红绿色变成蓝绿色,在秋天,叶子的颜色从黄色到紫色不等. 春天会开出一簇簇粉红色或白色的小花. 水果在夏末成熟.
Vaccinium corymbosum


护理 已知问题 如何收获 成熟的大小 Notes /使用
种植在潮湿的地方, well-drained acidic soil in full sun or partial shade; In the first and second year after planting, remove the flowers to encourage growth; Prune as needed 高丛蓝莓的一些病原体包括茎枯萎病, 根腐病, 和霉菌, though these seldom occur; Soil that is too alkaline will cause leaf yellowing 在夏天浆果成熟时采摘 高12英尺,宽10英尺 鸟, 鹿, 黑熊, 兔子, 人类吃浆果, which have ample iron; Butterflies and bees pollinate the flowers and feed on the nectar; Highbush blueberries are planted in a variety of gardens and used as ornamental plants and as border plants
